Bruce Abel

Bruce Abel

Current city and state of residence
Sydney, New South Wales

Year first introduced or joined the organisation now known as Disabled Wintersport Australia? 
The Year I was Introduced to DWA was 1973. I was an instructor in Banff Alberta and the head instructor Jerry Johnson was the head of disabled skiing in Canada. That is when I was taught.

Through who or how were you introduced to the organisation?
Ron Finneran, Nick dean and I started DWA

What roles or positions did you have within the organisation? 
Head instructor for disabled skiing, taught other people in NSW and Victoria how to teach disabled people to enjoy winter. I Taught Michael Milton. 

During your time with DWA what particular achievements are you proud of contributing to? 
Seeing blind skiers enjoy playing in the snow

What is your fondest memory of your time with the organisation?
Playing golf with Ron, after getting him skiing many years ago and then 3 years ago meeting a group of blind golfers and having to play 18 holes at royal Sydney golf club and have a great lunch. They did not have to pay a thing.

Please sum up your vision for the future of DWA? 
DWA will continue to expand and more disabled people will have the time of their lives rolling in the snow and when in competitions beat other countries like Canada and the USA.


Peter Rickards


Nick Dean