Graeme Morris

Graeme Morris

Current city and state of residence
Bonny Hills, New South Wales and Aspen, Colorado, USA

Year first introduced or joined the organisation now known as Disabled Wintersport Australia? 

Through who or how were you introduced to the organisation? 
I was part of the discussions held in the Lounge Bar of the Thredbo Alpine Hotel, with Nick Dean, Bruce Abel and Ron “Finsko” Finneran.

What roles or positions did you have within the organisation?
Instructor for disabled skiers at Thredbo Ski School for over 30 years, from 1978. Also APSI Trainer and Examiner to ski and snowboard instructors nationally. Helped organise the Australian Professional Snowsports of Australia (APSI) to introduce Adaptive Ski instructing, as part of our curriculum.In 1999 I helped develop APSI training and exam process for instructors to obtain the APSI Disabled/Adaptive Certificate. Wrote the first Disabled Skiing Instruction Manual in 1988.

During your time with DWA what particular achievements are you proud of contributing to?
Coaching our 1992 Paralympic Ski Team in Albertville, France where we won our 1st medals for Alpine skiing.

What is your fondest memory of your time with the organisation?
Watching and teaching Finsko to relearn to ski on both legs instead of one. Also meeting and being involved with so many wonderful people.    

What has been the biggest impact DWA has had on your life? 
Being happy with the contribution that I made.

Please sum up your vision for the future of DWA? 
From the beginning we’ve gone from strength to strength, from the grassroot level to international competition and Paralympic Games. In the future, I hope everyone who knows, or is a person with a disability, finds out about the endless possibilities of snowsports.


Ken Brown AM


Peter Rickards