Julie Hale

Julie Hale

Current city and atate of residence
Melbourne, Victoria

Year first introduced or joined the organisation now known as Disabled Wintersport Australia? 

Through who or how were you introduced to the organisation? 
RVIB (Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind) Ski Club

What roles or positions did you have within the organisation?
Mainly training roles for Ski Guides in Victoria, camp coordination, general Committee member.

During your time with DWA what particular achievements are you proud of contributing to?
Working with Ski Guides and seeing people who never thought they could ski having a go.

What is your fondest memory of your time with the organisation?
Seeing a young boy in his early teens who had severe hemiplegia (who came from a family of skiers) getting to experience skiing for the first time under the guidance of American pioneer Hal O’Leary at Falls Creek. The boy’s family were there and everyone who was part of the day had tears in their eyes. It was a freezing day but the young boy, once he found his ski legs, was not going to be stopped. He skied along the home trail for several hours. The smile on faces such as his is what makes the time and effort worthwhile. 

What has been the biggest impact DWA has had on your life? 
Being able to share my passion for skiing with others.

Please sum up your vision for the future of DWA? 
A vibrant organisation that is able to provide a quality experience for people with disabilities - skiing, boarding - at every level from beginner to international competitor.


Lynne Johnston


David Howells