Lynne Johnston

Lynne Johnston

Current city and state of residence
Melbourne, Victoria

Year first introduced or joined the organisation now known as Disabled Wintersport Australia? 

Through who or how were you introduced to the organisation? 
I saw a TV report on Hal O’Leary teaching a young boy to ski with a frame. I thought I’d like to try guiding to help others experience the fun I had skiing & contacted VDSA via Cecilia Dempsey.

What roles or positions did you have within the organisation?

  • Victorian Disabled Ski Association Ski Guide

  • VDSA Treasurer

  • VDSA President

  • DWA Vice President

  • Current DWA Membership Officer

During your time with DWA what particular achievements are you proud of contributing to?
I’m proud to be part of a team that has done, and is still doing, an amazing job building an accessible skiing environment.

What is your fondest memory of your time with the organisation?
The impact of disabled skiing was highlighted during lunch at Cloud Nine, Falls Creek. I’ll never forget the joyful young first time camp participant who looked out the window at the able-bodied beginner classes and said truthfully ‘I’m a better skier than them’. Watching the emotional growth of members as they conquer fears and develop new skills – particularly the young guys who get to indulge their need for speed (controlled of course!)

What has been the biggest impact DWA has had on your life? 
DWA has done for me what it can do for all members – challenged me to move outside my comfort zone and develop skills that have enriched my life and taken me around the world. Plus skiing attracts really interesting people from all walks of life. And becoming a committee member was a wonderful training ground in up-skilling for my day job. 

Please sum up your vision for the future of DWA? 
I hope to see DWA continue to grow as a force behind fully accessible skiing in Australia, supporting strong links between disabled skiers and the skiing industry. 


Kim Clifford


Julie Hale