Kim Clifford

Kim Clifford

Current city and state of residence
Thredbo, New South Wales

Year first introduced or joined the organisation now known as Disabled Wintersport Australia? 
In 1978 I helped Ron Finneran organise the first fund raiser raffle for the organisation as it was getting established.

Through who or how were you introduced to the organisation?
Ron Finneran

What roles or positions did you have within the organisation? 
I never held any positions/roles, just assited from the outside.

During your time with DWA what particular achievements are you proud of contributing to?
Giving Ron Finneran a lot of support in many areas in the early days of the organisation.

What is your fondest memory of your time with the organisation?
Helping Ron Finneran test the first sit ski that was made locally and Ron tried to use, then called on me as his guinea pig to do the testing for him.

What has been the biggest impact DWA has had on your life?
Working with Ron and others it made me much more aware the there are many facets of the ski industry and all have a place and all can work together to help all parts of the industry and all participants.

Please sum up your vision for the future of DWA? 
To endeavour to be fully inclusive and try to be part of the main stream sports organisations NSO's.


Nick Dean


Lynne Johnston